Homeearn moneyHow to earn money from Instagram reels

How to earn money from Instagram reels

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How to earn money from Instagram reels : Hello friends, today we are going to talk about how to earn money from Instagram reels. Now it is not only a medium of entertainment but has also become a great way to earn money. If you want to earn money through your reels, here are some ways: We will tell you step by step through this article.

How to earn money from Instagram reels, Instagram Reels से पैसे कैसे कमाएं

How to earn money from Instagram reels
How to earn money from Instagram reels How to earn money from instagram reels How to earn money from instagram reels

1. Brand promotion reel

You have to make a reel on Instagram, whether that reel is related to fashion or vlog, yoga, tutorial, cooking or teaching skills. You have to keep in mind that you have worked with any brand till now, you can make a reel on any brand and tag them and post it. For this, you have to keep an eye on your Gmail, which brand is coming to you. That brand will pay you for 5-6 reels.

2. Reel income

You can earn up to 2500 rupees from 1 reel and can earn up to 14000 per month, you have to pay attention on what you make videos on, if you are a vlogger, then someone from the bag seller will ask you to do promotion or bottle seller or travel seller and can give it to you for other things.

3. Brand Types

For example, let me tell you that there are brands like food brands, beauty, gym product, education, trader, or others, these brands keep giving you offers to promote themselves, these are some of the brand names.

4. Podcast Reels

Through this, you promote yourself in reels, make good reels on Instagram so that your reels reach the brand people. Upload good products on your reels, create and upload podcast reels. Promote reels by creating them with your creators.

5. Yoga Reel

Make a yoga reel and post images related to yoga, and add your WhatsApp number on top so that people can call you. If you become a yoga trainer, you will be famous all over India. This will give you promotion for gym and yoga.

6. Product Video

Make videos related to the product, there are so many products like free TVs, washing machines, mobiles, laptops, and other such products, make reels of all the products on Instagram, and upload them on your account, this will give you even better money.

7. Create a Reel For Any Page

You can make reels for any educational page and you guys can make reels for any finance page, unless you make reels, how will you get money, if you upload 3 reels in a day, if you charge 400 for 1 reel, then your monthly earning can be Rs 36000.

Important Point

There are many ways to make money from Instagram Reels, but the most important is to create quality content and build a good relationship with your audience. Post regular, engaging and relevant content so that your audience grows and you can get various monetization opportunities. Keep up your efforts and success will surely come.

Friends, I hope you got a lot of help from this article of mine. If you liked this post, please follow my website. Share this with your friends who want to earn money from Instagram.

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Dhiraj Kumar
Dhiraj Kumar
हेलो दोस्तों, मेरा नाम धीरज कुमार है, मैं आपको डेली 100 फोल्लोवेर्स फ्री में दे रहा हु, उसके लिए आपको मेरे इंस्टाग्राम अकाउंट को फॉलो करना होगा, वहां पर मैंने एक रील शेयर की है, जिसे देख के आप फ्री में फोल्लोवेर्स बड़ा सकते है, यहाँ क्लिक करके मेरे इंस्टाग्राम को फॉलो करे। इंस्टग्राम ID: technical.dhirajk


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